Yesterday is a day we all wish we could go back to. They held fondest memories the joy, the love, the peace that we try our best to find today. If I close my eyes I can see my grandmothers smile and hear her laughter. Her hands were so gentle, but she would disagree. I believed she did everything with such grace and I can almost see her rolling her eyes at me like to say “if you say so”. What a women she was. She was so close to God that God wanted her closer by his side.It was in that year I began to see the lord high and lifted up. If you’re currently in that season, God is trying to get your attention. It’s an invitation to experience life with Him; It’s the end of an era.
Isaiah 6:1 Marks a monumental moment in the prophet of Isaiah life and ministry. The death of the respected king may have left Isaiah with uncertainty or mourning, but it sets the stage for him to shift his focus from an earthly king to the heavenly King, the Lord Himself. Where he once looked to an earthly king for stability, Isaiah now saw the unchanging and sovereign nature of God. In a moment of grief God gave Isaiah a vision that would transform his life forever.
Grief has a way of silencing the world while making every moment feel unbearably loud.
Losing someone we love shakes us to our core. We often find ourselves on the corner of sorrow and faith—wondering how to hold on to God when it feels like our world is crumbling. If you’re walking through the valley of loss today, let me first say this: God sees you, He is with you, and is still seated on His throne.
See it was during that season of my grandmother passed that I thought I knew Lord, we had a relationship, I prayed, and faithfully went to church every Sunday. I believed in him but by fault I did not believe Him. There’s a difference. Everything I thought I knew about God was suddenly challenged by the weight of my grief. I knew He was faithful, loving, and just, still with knowing all of that, my heart was closed off and I struggled to find hope.
God saw my heart and that it longed for it to be revived again. In prayer, I humbly went to the throne of grace in prayer and in His presence was peace. It was then after that He showed me He was also as A keeper, a redeemer, and a deliverer.
Just when I decided to surrender my grief, Like Isaiah, in the midst of loss and uncertainty, my eyes were opened to see God’s holiness and majesty. The same God who revealed Himself to Isaiah as the eternal King did a new work within me—bringing clarity, purpose, and life where grief had once ruled. From that moment on, I knew Him not only as my Savior but as the Sovereign One who reigns over every season, even the hardest ones. It was the end of an era for me.
If you find yourself here—between yesterday’s memories and today’s reality—give yourself grace. There is room to grow in the in-between, room to heal, and room to encounter God in a new and deeper way. Yesterday may feel like the end of an era, but it’s also the beginning of a new chapter-with God. Here’s a gentle reminder, God is still seated on His throne, still writing your story, and still working all things together for good. If he’s calling you like Isaiah, Let our answer be here am I, Lord Send me.
Where can you see God’s presence in your current season of grief? How is He inviting you to trust Him in a deeper way?